Thursday, November 22, 2018

Smart as paint

Job done

Moving to the ramp

Back in the water

Back on the berth, showing off

The purpose of painting a wooden boat is to protect her from the elements. But the wonderful spin-off is that she looks great too, and you feel great about her. Thanks to Lloyd and Roger at Sounds Shipwright Services, Orion is looking fantastic: cabin roof, deck, topsides, boot topping, and hull. There's a new mast too, seen here in the lowered position for coming out of the shed.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Getting trolleyed

Fine day

Pressure wash

Ready to roll

In the yard

In the shed

In New Zealand you can get all four seasons in a day. There is no good time of year - it's either too cold, too wet, too windy, or too hot. That we can get Orion into the shed at Sounds Shipwright Services right here in Havelock is a huge advantage. We're hoping, believing, that the paint job will be all the better for it. It means she's in the shade and out of the wind, so although she'll dry out it'll be nothing like last year when insanely hot sun beat down on her day after day.