Sunday, July 16, 2017

Three winter projects

With mainly inclement weather, short days, long nights, we've been using our weekends to make a few small improvements: fuel transfer system; aft deck cctv; better dinghy chocks.

Fuel transfer system
There was a tank balancing pipe that was quite useful, but it had a tendency to block with crud and water at its lowest point where it passes underneath the shaft. We started thinking that if we installed a pump and a filter and some change-over valves we could add some useful functionality: fuel transfer between tanks, only to having to use the filler nearest the fuel jetty, and trapping water and dirt. It just felt like it would offer more control than simple gravity balancing. It's a 14 litres/minute gear pump, and an off-the-shelf Ryco filter. Gregory Engineering of Picton made up the panel, and we fitted it over two weekends.

Aft deck cctv
Seeing out the back isn't too good, especially since we fitted the clears. We've installed a car reversing camera that looks out over the aft deck. The picture is really clear.  It helps when we're backing out of the berth; it'll be handy when we're fishing; and it'll be good for keeping a lookout for traffic coming up from astern.

Higher dinghy chocks
When it rains the dinghy fills up. There's a perfectly good bung at the back with a mushroom valve. So we've built the forward chocks up to tilt the boat up at the bow. It helps when we're washing mud out of the bottom of the boat too.