Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Christmas 2024


Sue and Nina Christmas 2024

H8 the day before we sailed. What was nice this year was the way the dates fell, we had a gentle lead in. Recommended.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


1 of 2 x 4-inch holes 

The lazarette has always been damp. In spring and autumn stuff gets soaking wet. It's what caused the hydraulic connectors on the steering machinery to rust. We have finally got around to doing something about it. The work started with the first of two 4-inch holes in the deck. The deck is 55mm thick. The 60-year old matai (matai - black pine) is very hard.

The new aft vents

Two Dorade boxes were nicely made by Sounds Marine at Waikawa Marina. The ventilator hoods are by Vetus and are made of slightly flexible rubbery plastic. We're pleased with the result all round. They look like they belong. Already the lazarette has dried out heaps. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Chamber of horrors

June 21 the ferry Aratere went aground in Picton harbour due to a steering failure. Turned out it wasn't so much a mechanical failure as a procedural one, but it made me decide to do something about the corrosion in the steering flat on Orion. Life got in the way, and no action was actually taken until last week when Sue asked Gary and Giles (Aquaserv) to get on with the job.

The lazarette is poorly ventilated (which we are going to address next) and the damp conditions caused the hydraulic hose connectors to the steering arms to rust. Karl and Sam (FPS Havelock) found things not too bad, one hose however was "about to blow" and that is now an exhibit in the Chamber of Horrors. Some connectors were restored and some new ones supplied and this time they were coated. We didn't use Denzo tape because then you can't inspect them.

corroded hydraulic connectors




Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Easter 2024

filleting a fish on an orange bench
Complete mastery

Went on board Good Friday and sailed on the Saturday morning. Carried the tide to Tawero then punched the ebb up Tawhitinui Reach to Hallam Cove. Families holidaying in the baches. The south easter doesn't get in there unless it's strong.  The breeze died away to nothing overnight and Easter Sunday was the best day, calm, and warm at times. Fished at Bird Island but slim pickings. Sue caught two fat cod off the rocks in Homestead Bay, and did an amazing filleting job; she really has mastered the art. On the Monday we carried the tide all the way back into Havelock; systems all worked, 77nm in all.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Windlass motor damage


Corrision damage to electric motor
Corrosion damage

Corrosion damage detail

Sourced a replacement motor from Muir in Australia through Lusty & Blundell. Aquaserv (Gary and Giles) did the work and protected the new motor with Lanocoat. As this is the second time this has happened, we'd best inspect it annually from now on; it is recommended in the manual.