Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter moon

Approaching Putanui

Kenepuru Sound

We went on board Thursday afternoon and sailed at 5.15. We used the light of the moon (and the chart plotter) to find the buoy at Raetihi well after sunset. The next night we were at Take-in Bay bathed in moonlight. I took this picture about 4 am.  With rain forecast we headed in on Saturday morning. Steamed 30.3 nm. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Return to Raetihi

Raetihi foreshore

There was a time when we went to Raetihi a lot. It's lovely there and on a winter's night it's comforting to have the lights of the jetty and the lights of the houses on the opposite shore. This weekend we were back there. Nothing had really changed. Only there is some really bad erosion under the bank and the trees are starting to collapse onto the beach. The logs are moored there as a makeshift bank protection. Went on the fueller on the way back in. Total distance an easy 23 nm.